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Maximum Mipmaps for Fast, Accurate, and Scalable Dynamic Height Field Rendering

Maximum Mipmaps Paper


This paper presents a GPU-based, fast, and accurate dynamic height field rendering technique that scales well to large scale height fields. Current real-time rendering algorithms for dynamic height fields employ approximate ray-height field intersection methods, whereas accurate algorithms require pre-computation in the order of seconds to minutes and are thus not suitable for dynamic height field rendering. We alleviate this problem by using maximum mipmaps, a hierarchical data structure supporting accurate and efficient rendering while simultaneously lowering the pre-computation costs to negligible levels. Furthermore, maximum mipmaps allow for view-dependent level-of-detail rendering. In combination with hierarchical ray-stepping this results in an efficient intersection algorithm for large scale height fields.

Keywords: graphics hardware, simplification/level of detail, spatial data structures, texturing techniques, displacement mapping, height field intersection, surface details, real-time rendering, GPU

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SoundSoundtrack: L'Onomatopeur, Slap Violin

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A. Tevs, I. Ihrke, H.-P. Seidel, "Maximum Mipmaps for Fast, Accurate, and Scalable Dynamic Height Field Rendering" , Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2008, to appear. [bibtex]