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Blogs für May 2007

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How to encode Quicktime compatible H.264/MPEG-4 AVC within mencoder

en Verfasst am 11. May 2007 22:05:29, 154629 mal aufgerufen #

0. Introduction

In this Article I want to show you the proper command options for mencoder to encode high quality H.264 videos which are also playable by the Quicktime video player. I am using it to encode videos in Linux however the commands could be also ported to windows.

I have already posted a blog about encoding image sequence into the new H.264 Codec within ffmpeg, mencoder and some other tools. The previous post was in germain language. If you want to read it then click here. However the command lines posted before produce video files which can not be played by Quicktime.

1. Encoding audio

First you have to encode the sound track which will be muxed later with raw video data. For better support throughout all available video players you have to encode your audio track in some format suitable for H.264 conformed video streams. My choose is AAC codec because it is supported by most of the players and it seems to be one of the prefered audio codec for the H.264/MPEG4-AVC videos. ...

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