
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *                                                                         *
00003  *   (c) Art Tevs, MPI Informatik Saarbruecken                             *
00004  *       mailto: <>                                      *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00007  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00008  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00009  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  ***************************************************************************/
00014 #ifndef _NR_PROPERTY_MANAGERH_
00015 #define _NR_PROPERTY_MANAGERH_
00017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 // Includes
00019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 #include "Prerequisities.h"
00021 #include "Property.h"
00022 #include "Log.h"
00023 #include "Exception.h"
00025 namespace nrEngine{
00027         //! Property manager does hold properties for global access
00028         /**
00029          * Property manager class is used to access global properties. In this
00030          * way your application can store some values of any type in the manager
00031          * by a certain name. The value can then be accessed from another place.
00032          * Propertties are grouped in groups, so group names must be unique. If no
00033          * group name is specified, so default group is used. Property must have
00034          * unique names in one group.
00035          *
00036          * \ingroup gp
00037         **/
00038         class _NRExport PropertyManager{
00039                 public:
00041                         /**
00042                          * Create Property manager object and initialiye default data
00043                          **/
00044                         PropertyManager();
00046                         /**
00047                          * Release used memory and remove all properties from the memory.
00048                          **/
00049                         ~PropertyManager();
00051                         /**
00052                          * Create new property group.
00053                          * If such group already exists, so nothing happens.
00054                          *
00055                          * @param name Unique name of a property group
00056                          **/
00057                         void createGroup(const std::string& name);
00059                         /**
00060                          * Get number of properties in a certain group
00061                          *
00062                          * @param [group] Unique name of a property group
00063                          **/
00064                         //int32 getPropertyCount(const std::string& group = std::string());
00066                         /**
00067                          * Get property list of properties of certain group.
00068                          * The list is const, so no changes are allowed.
00069                          * If no such group exists, so empty list will be returned
00070                          * @param [group] Name of the group
00071                          **/
00072                         const PropertyList& getPropertyList(const std::string& group = std::string());
00074                         /**
00075                          * Get property.
00076                          * @param name Name of the property
00077                          * @param [group] Unique name of the group
00078                          **/
00079                         Property& getProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& group = std::string());
00080                         Property& getPropertyByFullName(const std::string& fullname);
00082                         /**
00083                         * Get the property directly. @see PropertyManager::getProperty()
00084                         **/
00085                         NR_FORCEINLINE Property& operator()(const std::string& name, const std::string& group = std::string()) {return getProperty(name, group);}
00087                         /**
00088                          * Add/add new property to a group.
00089                          * If no such group exists, so group will be created.
00090                          * If such property already exists, so it will be overwritten
00091                          *
00092                          * @param property Property which to add
00093                          * @param name Name of the property
00094                          * @param group Unique group name.
00095                          **/
00096                         void set (const Property& property, const std::string& name, const std::string& group = std::string());
00098                         /**
00099                          * Directly setup new property with new value
00100                          * @see PropertyManager::set()
00101                          * @param value Any value to set to the property (value must be convertible)
00102                          * @param name Name of the property
00103                          * @param group Unique goup name
00104                          **/
00105                         void set(const boost::any& value, const std::string& name, const std::string& group = std::string());
00107                         /**
00108                          * Set new value based on fullname
00109                          * @see IPropertyManager::set()
00110                          * @param value Valeu to be set for the property
00111                          * @param fullname Fullname of the property (i.e. "")
00112                          **/
00113                         void setByFullName(const boost::any& value, const std::string& fullname);
00114                         void setByFullName(const Property& property,const std::string& name);
00116                         /**
00117                          * Get the value directly from the database.
00118                          * The method is templated, so you get the value converted to given type.
00119                          * If conversion is not possible, so error occurs. To prevent errors, check
00120                          * the type before access.
00121                          *
00122                          * @param name Name of the property
00123                          * @param [group] Unique group name of the property
00124                          **/
00125                         template<typename T>
00126                         NR_FORCEINLINE T get(const std::string& name, const std::string& group = std::string());
00128                         /**
00129                          * @see get()
00130                          **/
00131                         template<typename T>
00132                         NR_FORCEINLINE T getByFullName(const std::string& name);
00134                 private:
00136                         //! This describey the type of our property map
00137                         typedef std::map<std::string, PropertyList> PropertyMap;
00139                         //! Here we store our properties
00140                         PropertyMap mPropertyMap;
00141         };
00144         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00145         template<typename T>
00146         NR_FORCEINLINE T PropertyManager::get(const std::string& name, const std::string& group)
00147         {       
00148                 try{
00149                         // get property value
00150                         boost::any& v = getProperty(name, group).getValue();
00152                         // check if property is empty
00153                         if (v.empty())
00154                         {
00155                                 // give warning, that now a undefined value will be returned
00156                                 NR_Log(Log::LOG_ENGINE | Log::LOG_CONSOLE, Log::LL_WARNING, "PropertyManager::get() - You are retrieving undefined value from '%s.%s' property", group.c_str(), name.c_str());
00157                                 return T();
00158                         }
00160                         // cast the property value and return it back
00161                         return boost::any_cast<T>(v);
00163                 }catch(const boost::bad_any_cast &){
00164                         NR_EXCEPT(PROPERTY_WRONG_TYPE, "Cannot cast property to the given type", "PropertyManager::get()");
00165                 }
00166         }
00168         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00169         template<typename T>
00170         NR_FORCEINLINE T PropertyManager::getByFullName(const std::string& fullname)
00171         {       
00172                 try{
00173                         // get property value
00174                         boost::any& v = getPropertyByFullName(fullname).getValue();
00176                         // check if property is empty
00177                         if (v.empty())
00178                         {
00179                                 // give warning, that now a undefined value will be returned
00180                                 NR_Log(Log::LOG_ENGINE | Log::LOG_CONSOLE, Log::LL_WARNING, "PropertyManager::get() - You are retrieving undefined value from '%s' property", fullname.c_str());
00181                                 return T();
00182                         }
00184                         // cast the property value and return it back
00185                         return boost::any_cast<T>(v);
00187                 }catch(const boost::bad_any_cast &){
00188                         NR_EXCEPT(PROPERTY_WRONG_TYPE, "Cannot cast property to the given type", "PropertyManager::get()");
00189                 }
00190         }
00192 }; // end namespace
00194 #endif

Generated on Wed Sep 12 23:19:42 2007 for nrEngine by  doxygen 1.5.1