
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *                                                                         *
00003  *   (c) Art Tevs, MPI Informatik Saarbruecken                             *
00004  *       mailto: <>                                      *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00007  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00008  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00009  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  ***************************************************************************/
00014 #ifndef _NR_PLUGIN_RESOURCE__H_
00015 #define _NR_PLUGIN_RESOURCE__H_
00018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 // Includes
00020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 #include "Prerequisities.h"
00022 #include "Resource.h"
00023 #include "PluginLoader.h"
00025 /*!
00026  * \defgroup plugin Plugin managment
00027  *
00028  * Plugins are used to extend the functionality of the underlying system
00029  * without recompiling it. So our engine does support plugins, which allows
00030  * programm new functionality to the engine without recompiling it.
00031  * 
00032  * One of the best examples of such a plugin is a possibility to extend the resource
00033  * managment system to new resources. You can program addiditional texture loader
00034  * for example and "plug in" this into the engine. The new loader could load 
00035  * textures and prepare them as resources, so your program can get use of them.
00036  *
00037  * Another example could be a plugin that runs as task in the engine's kernel
00038  * and do something. For example an ingame console could be such a task, which can
00039  * be fully programmed as external plugin.
00040  *
00041  * Each plugin is a simple dynamic library (*.dll, *.so) file, which contains the plugin.
00042  * Each plugin will be loaded if it is added to the plugin manager. The plgLoad() function
00043  * of the plugin will be called. If the plugin is unloaded, so call plgUnload().
00044  *
00045  * Each plugin should export some default functions to be able to be loaded by the manager.
00046  * Plugins could be simple functionality plugins (like any loader) or a new task
00047  * in the engine's kernel (like a console). This capability of each plugin is readed 
00048  * through special plugin functions.
00049  *
00050  * Also each plugin should provide a function which can be used to access internal
00051  * functionality of that plugin by using of strings. In our case this subroutine
00052  * should be called plgCall and accept as first the name of the function and then a
00053  * parameter list of parameters and their values. We use this to provide the user
00054  * applications a possibility to call certain functions from plugins which are not
00055  * replace a default behaviour of the engine but add some new functionality. The good
00056  * example where it can be used is a scripting. You load a plugins from the script
00057  * and then call some functions from the plugin whithin scripting. 
00058  * 
00059  **/
00061 namespace nrEngine{
00064         /**
00065         * Each plugin is an dynamic library. So we have to use some handles
00066         * given by the os api to handle with these libraries. On each os
00067         * this handle is of different type. So we have to find out
00068         * which os do we using now and define the right type
00069         *
00070         * \ingroup plugin
00071         **/
00072         #if NR_PLATFORM == NR_PLATFORM_WIN32
00073                 typedef HINSTANCE PluginHandle;
00074         #elif NR_PLATFORM == NR_PLATFORM_LINUX
00075                 typedef void* PluginHandle;
00076         #elif NR_PLATFORM == NR_PLATFORM_APPLE
00077                 typedef CFBundleRef PluginHandle;
00078         #endif
00080         //! General interface for any plugin in the engine
00081         /**
00082         * Plugins are used to extend the functionality of the engine without rewriting it.
00083         * You can just write new plugin and add this to the engine, so the engine could get
00084         * it loaded. The user will then get the new functionality automaticaly or by using
00085         * the concept of application - plugin - communication.
00086         *
00087         * Plugins are resources that used in the same way like normal resources. 
00088         *
00089         * Each plugin library has to export following symbols:
00090         *       - int plgInitialize(Engine*)
00091         *               - will be called after library is loaded
00092         *               - plugin will get the pointer to the root object of the engine
00093         *               - return 0 for success otherwise error code
00094         *
00095         *       - unsigned int plgEngineVersion()
00096         *               - plugin should return a version number according to the engine
00097         *               - return the value also if not initialized before
00098         *
00099         *       - char* plgVersionString()
00100         *               - return a full string containing information about the plugin version/name
00101         *               - return the strign also if not initialized before
00102         *
00103         *       - char* plgError (int)
00104         *               - return a short error string for the given code
00105         *
00106         *       - void plgRelease()
00107         *               - will be called before plugin is getting unloaded
00108         *
00109         *
00110         * Following symbols are optional:
00111         *
00112         *       - void plgGetMethods (std::vector<PlgMethod> &)
00113         *               - should fill the given vector whithin informations of plugin methods
00114         *                 which could be used as extra calls from the user point of view (e.g. scripts)
00115         *
00116         *       - void plgCall (const std::string&, std::vector<PlgParam>& )
00117         *               - call a subroutine from the plugin, also send parameters
00118         *
00119         *
00120         * @see IResource
00121         * \ingroup plugin
00122         **/
00123         class _NRExport Plugin : public IResource{
00124         public:
00126                 Plugin();
00127                 virtual ~Plugin();
00129                 /**
00130                  * Retuns the addres of a symbol (function,variable) from the plugin.
00131                  * You have to cast this addres for using.
00132                  *
00133                  * @param name Unique name of the symbol
00134                  **/
00135                 virtual void* getSymbol(const std::string& name) const;
00137                 //! Each method in the plugin accept parameters of this type
00138                 /*typedef struct _plgParam {
00140                         //! Parameter name
00141                         std::string name;
00143                         //! Parameter value as string
00144                         std::string value;
00146                 } PlgParam;
00148                 //! This structure describes a subroutine in a plugin
00149                 typedef struct _plgMethod {
00151                         //! Name of the subroutine
00152                         std::string name;
00154                         //! parameter names which can be passed to this method
00155                         std::vector<PlgParam> param;
00157                         //! Pointer pointing to the provided method
00158                         void* symbol_ptr;
00160                 } PlgMethod;*/
00162         protected:
00164                 //! Plugin loader is a friend, so it get full accecc to our functions
00165                 friend class PluginLoader;
00167                 //! Handle of the used dynamic library
00168                 PluginHandle    mPluginHandle;
00170                 //! this is the list of methods from the plugin
00171                 //std::vector<PlgMethod> mPlgMethods;
00173                 //! This defines the interface of the initialization function of the plugin
00174                 typedef int (*plgInitialize) ( Engine*, PropertyList* );
00176                 //! Define the type of the error get function of th eplugin
00177                 typedef char* (*plgError) ( int );
00179                 //! This is the interface of the release function of the plugin
00180                 typedef void (*plgRelease) ( void );
00182                 //! Interface for the version information
00183                 typedef unsigned int (*plgEngineVersion) ( void );
00185                 //! Get full version string of the plugin
00186                 typedef char* (*plgVersionString) ( void );
00188                 /*//! Get a list of exported functions
00189                 typedef void (*plgGetMethods) ( std::vector<PlgMethod>& );
00191                 //! Call a method whithin given parameters
00192                 typedef void (*plgCall) (const std::string&, const std::vector<PlgParam>& );
00193                 */
00195                 plgInitialize           m_plgInitialize;
00196                 plgError                        m_plgError;
00197                 plgRelease                      m_plgRelease;
00198                 plgEngineVersion        m_plgEngineVersion;
00199                 plgVersionString        m_plgVersionString;
00201                 /*plgGetMethods         m_plgGetMethods;
00202                 plgCall                         m_plgCall;
00203                 */
00204                 /**
00205                  * This method is called by the plugin loader after it has loaed the library.
00206                  * The plugin object has now to get all symbols and initialize the library.
00207                  * @return error code
00208                  **/
00209                 Result initialize(PropertyList* params = NULL);
00211                 /**
00212                  * Derived function from IResource
00213                  **/
00214                 virtual Result unloadResource();
00215                 virtual Result reloadResource(PropertyList* params);                                    
00217                 //! Get last plugin error message from the system
00218                 std::string getLastPluginError();
00220         };
00223         //! Simple class for empty plugin. This plugin doesn't have any effect
00224         /**
00225          * This class represents an empty plugin object. This corresponds
00226          * to our empty resource interface, needed to work for resource managment.
00227          * Empty plugin does not do anything.
00228          *
00229          * \ingroup plugin
00230          **/
00231         class _NRExport EmptyPlugin : public Plugin{
00232         public:
00234                 //! Constructor does not call anything
00235                 EmptyPlugin();
00237                 //! Release used memory
00238                 ~EmptyPlugin();
00240                 //! Unload the empty resource
00241                 Result unloadResource();
00243                 //! Reload the empty resource
00244                 Result reloadResource();
00246                 //! Return always NULL
00247                 void* getSymbol(const std::string& name) const;
00249         };
00251 };
00253 #endif

Generated on Wed Sep 12 23:19:42 2007 for nrEngine by  doxygen 1.5.1