= Welcome to the osgPPU webpage = osgPPU is a library to use with [http://www.openscenegraph.org OpenSceneGraph]. It provides you with a graph based specification of a computation pipeline. An example application shows how to setup true HDR Rendering with osgPPU. Currently the osgPPU is in Beta phase. So I would be very appreciated on every input, like: critics, corrections, patches etc. == Features == * Very usefull also for GPGPU (general purpose GPU) computations * Supports multiple rendering targets (MRT) as output of ppu * Supports multiple inputs to a ppu * Supports out of the pipeline texture inputs to a ppu * Mipmapping supported * Use PostProcessUnitOutCapture to capture frames in upto 4096x4096 resolution (or 8192x8192 on G80 GPUs) * Supports Shader Model 3.0 and higher * Example application describes how to implement HDR Rendering with osgPPU * An example application showing Depth Of Field emulation is in development... * An example application showing Deferred Lighting with osgPPU is in development... In order to be able to compile the osgPPU you need latest version of [http://www.openscenegraph.org OpenSceneGraph]. == Documentation == There exists a doxygen of the complete source code. You can find it [http://www.tevs.eu/doc/osgPPU/ here] A first time osgPPU was presented as a part of a project at the [http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/SIGGRAPH2007 OpenSceneGraph BOF] at Siggraph 2007 in San Diego, USA. You can download the presentation slides from [http://www.tevs.eu/files/refeiko.ppt here]. == Download == To get the latest revision of the source use following command: {{{ svn co svn://projects.tevs.eu/osgPPU/trunk osgPPU }}} There is currently no stable release. Please use the source from the svn.