Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Manufacturing/Display

07/05/10 18:17:28 (14 years ago)



  • Manufacturing/Display

    v1 v1  
     1= Create Display = 
     3The original display from BMW's bord monitor is absed on sharp 6.5 inch display with a resolution of 400x240 pixels. One problem is, that this display neither have VGA support nor other usual video signals, without using special hardware. So, I decided to put my own display inside of this mounting. The problem is that it is really hard to find a 6.5 inch VGA display here in Germany. And if you found one, then it will be pretty expensive. However 7 inch display are widely spreaded and supports also native resolutions of about 800x480 pixels. Hence, I decided to rebuild such one to fit into original bord monitor housing.  
     5The full story can be found [ here], however only in German :) 
     7== Original BMW's display made by Alpina, and a 7!'' display from eBay == 
     8[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     9[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     11== Let's look inside == 
     12The display from eBay seems to some product from China. The internal is not that nice, as I would expect from a premium product. However, the display works and was not that expensive, only 100.- Euros. Here is an image showing it from the inside: 
     14[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     16Here is a comparison between both displays. The bigger one is that, which I have to fit into the housing: 
     18[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     20== Fit the display == 
     21First of all, I had to separate the display in its components, e.g. background light, pixel matrix, ...  
     23[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     24[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     26Then I had to put fit the housing for the display. This was done by fitting the display frame as also bordmonitor housing on each other: 
     28[[Image(, 400px)]] 
     30Next, I've cutted away around 5-7mm of the Display. '''Warning''': You might damage your display!!! Fortunately you do not have to cut the pixel matrix, just all other parts, so that if you do it well, the display will survive this procedure: 
     32[[Image(, 400px)]]